Downloading the 2231 references which currently form the database may take a few seconds. Thank you for your patience!

The references are automatically organized by years of publication. They also may be ordered by authors (select "Author" in the drop-down menu "Group by" below), languages, regions or themes (select "Keyword" in the drop-down menu). 7 regions and 27 themes (in progress) have been established. The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and the links of the articles available on the websites of the journals or of the publishers have been added, as weell as their abstract (in the original language of the article, or in english in some cases).

This databse is constantly updated. In this respect, many other articles have already been identified and are being processed to integrate the database in due course. Any additional information on unknown references is welcome! Please, send an e-mail.

Last update : November 2024